An international NGO dedicated to the furtherance of STEM education.

Who we are @ STEMVIS

StemVis is a Singapore-based NGO that aims to induce a paradigm shift in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) participation by increasing children’s engagement in STEM. StemVis works internationally, mainly targeting rural communities, to offer unique STEM experiences.

  • Provide children free STEM educational services to instil in them the values of observation, inquiry, and communication.

  • Remove the socio-psychological barriers to pursuing a STEM education by using what most captivates a child’s imagination: stories


  • StemVis’ Intl. ambassador program is for volunteers living outside Singapore to expand StemVis into their countries!

  • StemVis creates STEM content for children in rural school environments. We value creating engaging content, so each community we target has STEM lessons specific to their culture!

How StemVis is unique

There are many dedicated efforts to increase STEM engagement, but we wish to give children the opportunity to develop a lasting love of STEM. That is why we center our teaching philosophy on storytelling.

Our lessons use culture-specific storytelling to teach concepts. StemVis students are also encouraged to use storytelling to communicate concepts, observations, and discoveries. We make STEM memorable.